Wednesday, 25 April 2012

A minor nuisance.

So it seems The Bastard has been alerted to my return.

It was inevitable he would find out eventually. I had no real intention of keeping it secret. I had however hoped it would take slightly longer.

Proxiehunter will burn for this.

I cannot work against him yet but he seems too preoccupied to deal with me either for the moment. Regardless I must step up my work.

I have found a promising lead.

The Brute is not dormant as it is believed. He is merely severely weakened. His presence is still noticeable in places of civil unrest or war.

Recently I heard a statement. Apparently a soldier overseas was court martialed. On a routine patrol he randomly burst into a civilian home and butchered the inhabitants than mutilated the corpses and burnt down the entire place before going on a small but significant killing spree through the civilian populace. As a result the civilians in the area have turned against the soldiers and riots and civilian attacks have began throughout the area. This on it's own is interesting but not proof. It's what the soldier said during the trial that intrigued me. He said that shortly before the killing "...My eyes began to water and my vision became blurry like I was looking through smoke. I felt hot and had a sudden desire to kill. So I did. I slaughtered those people like animals and it was glorious..."

Vision turning blurry? Like looking through smoke?

Sounds familiar doesn't it?

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