So it seems almost two months have passed since my last post. Which was yesterday. The death of fears is starting to cause issues in reality and yet the fighting continues.
The Blind Man and Convocation attacked The Brute recently. It wasn't much of a fight. The lightning temporarily distorted The Brute's form when it hit but I don't even know what The Blind Man was trying to do. He didn't attack or anything and he seemed to be trying to get The Convocation to leave. I felt absolute hatred from The Brute though and he crushed The Blind Man then focused his attention on The Convocation. They were an annoyance at best though. The Intrusion arrived and the two swarmed The Brute but the smoke and flames that surround him and cover him dealt with the intrusion without The Brute even needing to act. After there were about just a few birds left they tried to flee but The Brute... Well he basically shot out an immense jet of flame immolating them as they flew away. The fears are dying like, pardon the pun, flies.
I'm really not sure anymore. After this is over what will be left? What is the point of The Brute? If he destroys everything what will be left for him or me?
Oh also a strange shadow has begun to appear in The Grove. I didn't let it in. The Brute does not seem concerned so I'm not worried but it's kind of strange.